Edited book with authored chapters, edited by dr Sanja Ćopić and dr Ana Batrićević is coming soon.

Publishers: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research and University of Belgrade – Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation


  1. Female Inmates‘ Perspectives on Prison Life: Drawing on narrative, systematic, and state-of-the-art literature reviews, this section will explore how women in different countries perceive the prison environment and life behind bars.
  2. Quality of Life in Prisons from a Female Perspective: This section will delve into the overall quality of life experienced by female inmates. It will examine various dimensions of prison life, including professionalism, living conditions, family contacts, personal well-being, personal development, harmony, and security within prison settings.
  3. Comparative Analysis of Male and Female Convicts‘ Quality of Life: This part will provide a comparative view of the key quality of life characteristics for male and female prisoners. It aims to identify differences and similarities in their experiences
  4. Negative Impacts of Incarceration on Female Convicts: This section will investigate the adverse effects of imprisonment on women, exploring the unique challenges they face while incarcerated.
  5. Female Prisoners‘ Adaptation to Prison Life and Treatment: Here, the book will delve into how female inmates adapt to the prison environment and treatment programs, shedding light on their experiences and needs.
  6. Theoretical Examination of Privacy and Control: This part will offer a theoretical analysis of the concepts of privacy and control within the context of prison systems from a gender perspective.
  7. Specifics of Female Imprisonment: This section will explore international standards, national legislation, and the potential use of alternative (community) sanctions and measures for female offenders.
  8. Additional Areas of Interest: The book may also include other relevant topics, as determined by the contributors and research findings.

Submission and more info: publishing@prisonlife.rs