Crtež čiji je autor osuđeno lice, Okružni zatvor u Beogradu, 2023. Autor fotografije: Ana Batrićević

Morality and Prison

The moral aspect of prison treatment implies the recognition of the convicted person as a moral agent who has made a mistake and who has, not only the duty to …


Women in prison and Bangkok Rules

The first international document that fully and comprehensively deals with the position of women in the system of execution of criminal sanctions, including the position of women in prisons, are …

Photography 1: Penal-correctional institution for women in Požarevac. Author: Ana Batrićević. The photograph was made for the purpose of research about the greening of prison communities, the results of which were published in the book: Pavićević, O. Ilijić, Lj., & Batrićević, A. (2020). Susret društvenog i biološkog ozelenjavanje zatvorskih zajednica. Belgrade: Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research.

Women in prison and their needs

Convicted persons face numerous deprivations and difficulties in prison. That is why the state is obliged to enable the development of every individual who finds himself/herself in a closed institution …

Fotografija 6 - Detalj sa spoljašnjeg zida KPZ za žene u Požarecu. Autor - Nikola Drndarević

Women’s prison in Serbia

For a long time, the study of the female prison population, the treatment of female prisoners and the living conditions in women’s prisons was marginalized. This is due to the …